I'm using some different application monitors to monitor service and disk usage on my Linux server.
Like below:
The first three are Linux script monitor to monitor disk usage.
The other two are TCP monitor.
As you can see, all 5 monitors have statistic data.
I want to create a report to show average statistic data in last 7 days.
I use the follow SQL query to get data:
SELECT TOP 100 Convert(DateTime,Floor(Cast((DateTime) as Float)),0) AS SummaryDate,
Nodes.NodeID AS NodeID,
Nodes.Caption AS NodeName,
APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentName AS Component_Name,
AVG(APM_StatisticsUsage.AvgStatisticData) AS AVERAGE_of_Statistic_Data
(Nodes INNER JOIN APM_AlertsAndReportsData ON (Nodes.NodeID = APM_AlertsAndReportsData.NodeId)) INNER JOIN APM_StatisticsUsage ON (APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentId = APM_StatisticsUsage.ComponentID)
( DateTime BETWEEN 41750 AND 41757.5 )
(Nodes.Caption = 'xxxxxx008')
GROUP BY Convert(DateTime,Floor(Cast((DateTime) as Float)),0),
Nodes.NodeID, Nodes.Caption, APM_AlertsAndReportsData.ComponentName
ORDER BY SummaryDate ASC, 3 ASC
But I can only get average data for two TCP monitors, no data for Linux script monitor, but actually, disk usage information is what I want.
I have also tried web-based report, but the same result.
Is there anybody can help me to get average statistic data for disk usage?
Thanks in advance.