It is not only my request, I believe but I really need option to define:
- default font and font size
- default line style, thickness and color
- default Graphic Image - not only led
- default for child status - switch off or on
These 4 'defaults' would help me a lot with editing maps. We use Orion for many years but unfortunatelly we do not use 'Microsoft Sans Serif 9' and thin (1 point) black line, and 'child status' for nodes. So each time I start Network Atlas I must change line settings and each time I add node or any label I must change font and its size. I must switch off 'child status' for each added node. I know I can change font and 'child status' for multiple objects but typical action is to change very few objects on few maps. Then each unnecessary click waste my time.
Would be really big issue to add those 4 features to Network Atlas?