It would be a nice feature that when adding a network switch to NPM, that you can make all the ports as unpluggable if you want to or when you expand the interface list of a node, there would be a check box that would select all of the interface instead of doing them one at a time since some switch likes stacks can have over 200 interfaces. But the better one would be after you select the interfaces you could also assign the interfaces to an alert. I know alerts are not part of the interface or node properties, it would make the process a lot faster. After adding the node and then having to go to the alerts and then to monitor objects then have to page through thousand of interfaces to find the one you need to check is time consuming. It display the list alphabetically but it is still time consuming and leads to errors that you might accidentally uncheck something. Or if that is not possible on the alert monitor network objects, you could filter the list there so that selecting the interfaces is easier and less prone to mistakes being made.s